Antibiotics to treat prostatitis

Antibiotics to treat prostatitisInflammation of the prostate can cause pain, urinary problems, and erectile dysfunction. In the presence of complications, prostatitis becomes a cause of impotence and infertility. Treatment of the disease is aimed at eliminating unpleasant symptoms and restoring the function of the glands. If the cause of the inflammatory process is pathogenic microorganisms, then the treatment regimen for prostatitis must include the administration of one or more antibacterial drugs. Which antibiotics are considered the best for treating prostatitis and how to take them correctly?

Basic principles and benefits of treatment

Many times, men will have questions like: "What are antibiotics? " and "Why do we need to take antibiotics for prostate inflammation? "
The main difference between antibiotics and other drugs is their ability to inhibit the growth of bacteria that cause infectious diseases. At the same time, the active substance of the drug only inhibits the pathogenic microflora and has almost no effect on ordinary cells of the body.The need for antimicrobial therapy is determined at the diagnostic stage. If a patient develops the characteristic symptoms of prostatitis, the doctor will perform a series of diagnostic tests to determine the cause of the pathology. In the initial phase, urine, semen, and urothelial scrapings were analyzed. If pathogenic flora are detected, the patient is diagnosed with "bacterial prostatitis". Next, tests are performed to determine the susceptibility of the pathogen to the major types of antimicrobials. In this way, it is possible to determine which antibacterial drugs are effective for a specific patient.Treating prostatitis with antibiotics has several important advantages:
  • Pathogenic microorganisms causing the inflammatory process are quickly eliminated.
  • The body begins to produce substances that prevent further proliferation of pathogenic bacteria. In this way, complications can be avoided and the possibility of exacerbation of chronic pathology reduced.
  • The availability of various forms of the drug (injections, tablets, suppositories) makes it possible to choose the right drug for each patient.
  • Complex antimicrobial therapy can help you eliminate all types of pathogens and ensure a complete recovery. In this case, several different drugs can be used, as well as a new generation of broad-spectrum antibiotics developed specifically for urology.
It is important to remember that there is no universal cure for prostatitis. Self-administering any medication can cause the condition to worsen and the inflammation to become chronic.

What antibiotics should be taken for prostatitis?

In modern medicine, several classes of antimicrobial agents are used, differing in their chemical structure and ability to inhibit the growth of certain types of pathogens.Male urological antibiotics are used to treat inflammation of the prostate. Let us consider in more detail the categories of urological drugs and their clinical significance.
course Possibility of applying
Penicillin group Inexpensive antibacterial drugs prescribed during initial diagnosis. Amoxicillin and chloramphenicol are not effective for chronic or acute prostatitis with complications.
macrolides A product with minimal toxicity to the body and a wide range of effects.
Tetracyclines Most commonly, tetracyclines and other similar drugs for the treatment of prostatitis are prescribed when the inflammation is chronic and caused by intracellular pathogens (chlamydia, gonococcus, mycoplasma).
Fluoroquinolones These drugs are included in the treatment of acute inflammation and those requiring rapid relief of symptoms.
Cephalosporins The most powerful medicine to eliminate almost all types of pathogenic microorganisms. Taking cephalosporins is suitable for acute infectious prostatitis.
Some of the listed drugs are used as antibiotics in benign prostatic adenomas to prevent pathological complications caused by inflammatory processes of infectious etiology.

most efficient

A major problem with any infectious disease is bacterial resistance to first-generation antibiotics. In this regard, pharmacologists are constantly improving existing drugs to create stronger second, third and fourth generation drugs.Performing bacterial cultures and determining the susceptibility of the microorganisms can determine the most effective antibiotics for treating prostatitis.At present, many urologists introduce the following:Products containing antibiotics:
  • Second-generation fluoroquinolones have good penetration capabilities. It is active against most intracellular pathogens due to its high intracellular concentration of active substances.
  • Products belonging to the tetracycline family have a wide range of effects. The maximum concentration of the drug in the prostate is observed within 30 minutes after administration, which is important if a rapid therapeutic effect is required during an exacerbation. These antibiotics for treating prostatitis are relatively cheap and effective, with minimal negative effects on the patient's body.
  • Third-generation cephalosporins have high antibacterial activity against Escherichia coli, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Proteus, Enterobacteriaceae and other bacteria.
  • Effective in the presence of most types of pathogens. The introduction of clavulanic acid in the composition of the drug ensures its resistance to bacterial enzymes.
  • Contains amoxicillin. Recommended for prostatitis caused by Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria.
  • Aminoglycosides eliminate most Gram-negative bacteria. It penetrates into the source of inflammation within 50-60 minutes and relieves the main symptoms of the acute phase of the disease.
  • Lincosamides are drugs used to eliminate Gram-positive bacteria and parasitic protozoa.
Each drug listed has its own advantages, so only a urologist can determine the best antibiotic to treat prostatitis.

Treatment features of acute and chronic forms

Prostatitis can be acute or chronic, with alternating periods of exacerbation and remission. When prescribing medication, the form of the disease must be taken into consideration.Therefore, with the rapid development of the inflammatory process and the significant deterioration of the patient's health, hospitalization is required. To deliver active ingredients quickly to inflamed tissue, antibiotics are given by intravenous infusion or injection. To ensure effective treatment of acute prostatitis in men, cephalosporins are chosen. Once your condition improves, your doctor can replace the medication with a milder medication.
Antibiotics for the treatment of chronic infectious prostatitis should be taken long-term. Generally the course of the disease is divided into several cycles, and in the absence of positive dynamics it may be necessary to change the drug. Prescribe injections or pills to the patient. Antibiotics used to treat asymptomatic prostatitis are also available in the form of suppositories. Men may be prescribed anti-inflammatory and antipyretic suppositories.

Under what circumstances are there contraindications to treatment?

When choosing a drug to treat prostate inflammation, doctors must consider the patient's physical characteristics, the presence of allergies, and related diagnoses.In some cases, taking antimicrobials is contraindicated due to individual intolerance to their ingredients. Antibiotics should also not be used in patients with severely abnormal renal function. They should be used with caution in the presence of certain digestive tract disorders.
When choosing a drug, the age of the patient must be taken into consideration. Therefore, antibiotics for the treatment of prostatitis are prescribed to adult men without any age restrictions; in adolescence, natural analogues of synthetic drugs are chosen.

Can prostatitis be cured without antibiotics?

Although antibacterial drugs are highly effective, their use also has certain negative effects on the body.
Is it possible to dispense with synthetic fungicides or replace them with safer natural analogues?
Unfortunately, with bacterial forms of the disease, this is the only way to quickly improve the patient's condition and completely eliminate the infectious agent. It is impossible to treat prostatitis without antibiotics.

General recommendations for antimicrobial treatment

The success of treatment depends not only on the correct choice of medication. An important factor is that patients adhere to several basic rules during the treatment process and recovery.
  1. Antibiotics used to treat inflammation of the prostate should only be taken as prescribed by a specialist.
  2. The duration of treatment is determined according to the type of pathogen and the stage of the disease, therefore, for complete recovery it is necessary to fully complete the recommended course of treatment for prostatitis. Stopping the drug too early will result in the need for stronger antibiotics in the future.
  3. During antibacterial treatment, a diet with the exception of spices, fatty foods, pickles and sweets is necessary.
  4. For certain reactions of the body to antibiotics, the list of drugs is supplemented by hepatoprotectives, probiotics and anti-allergy drugs. Since the beneficial microflora is partially destroyed when using antiseptics, antifungal drugs (nystatin) are required during antibacterial treatment.
Antibiotics affect sperm count and activity, so the ability to conceive should be restored no earlier than 3-4 months after recovery.
Currently, antibiotics are the only effective way to treat infectious prostatitis. The correct combination of medications and compliance with the recommendations of the attending physician are the main conditions for restoring prostate function.